Sunday, September 14, 2014

LAD #3: Declaration of Independence Independence

1. The Declaration of Independence states that the ruling power comes from the people and it exists for the happiness of the citizens. Some democratic principles consist of Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness. They are unalienable and cannot be taken away. People are also guaranteed the right of governmental protection over these rights. If the government forces any harm or does not provide guaranteed protection over these rights, it is the right of the people to eliminate the authority. If this is the case, the people should institute new ideas for a thriving governmental body.

2. The handful of grievances in this document derives from King George's unfaithful acts against the colonists before the revolution. The king stripped the Americans of their right to self representation and imposed taxes disregarding the opinions of the Americans. He put a stop to the trade between the colonies and other parts of the world which was economically harmful. He gave British troops the right to intrude upon homes without the colonists' consent. He ultimately destroyed the civil rights of the people.

3. The Declaration of Independence concludes by stating that because Great Britain has not given  justice to the colonies, the colonies have the undeniable right to break free from British authority. It includes that the newly independent nation has certain privileges like declaring war, establishing alliances, renewing trade relationships, and declaring peace. It states that Great Britain no longer has any control over the states, and that the colonies have evolved into a unified nation.

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