Sunday, September 21, 2014

Republican Motherhood Blog

1. What Role did the revolutionary war play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?

The Revolutionary war lead to the establishment of concepts such as patriotism, republicanism, and guidance of others. Instead of being a housewife with limited duties, it was the role of the mother to institute these concepts into the minds of her children for the benefit of the nation (Document A).

2. What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?

Women were put under enormous amounts of pressure during Republican Motherhood. A main priority of the mother was to "make home, whatever it is". This meant that the woman influenced domestic life to a significant extent. The consequences of women not completing the tasks of Republican Motherhood were extreme. If the mother did not instill the correct values into the children, "A fierce race of semi-barbarians" would arise (Document D).

3. What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women's socialization?

The ideology of Republican Motherhood was significant in women's socialization because women could greatly influence other women and people in society with their values. " Society is her empire, which she governs at will" implies that women possessed control with spreading ideals among society. "If the hedges and borders of the social garden be broken up, the lovely vine, which not twines itself so gracefully upon the trellis, and bears such rich clusters, will be the first to fall and be trodden under foot (Document D)." This quote supports the idea that if the social structure that women enforce is altered, the values previously enforced will crumble.

1. Describe the setting

The setting of this painting takes place in a home with a grey wall and piece of furniture that Mary an her sons are sitting on. Mary and her sons are wearing an affluent style of clothing which symbolizes some wealth. 

2.   Who serves at the center of the portrait and why?  How does the woman look?  How is she “republican” rather than aristocratic?

Mary Gibson Tilghman's son in the blue coat serves at the center of the portrait because his high value clothing represents how Mary does a fine job of caring for her children. This is what Republican Motherhood is all about. The woman in the middle looks very confident and content with her life and the picture gives a vibe of comfort. She is republican rather than aristocratic because it is evident that she cares and provides for her children. They seem to be happy, safe, and comfortable. 

3. What values do her sons exhibit?

Her sons exhibit positive and comfortable values. Her son in the blue is displaying patience by standing and her son in the white has a moderate smile on his face. 

4. Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilgham's arm?

Her arm is around the boy in the white because he is possibly younger and needs more personal care. The boy in the blue jacket may be given more independence. 

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